Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do girls always attempt to paint their nails when they just get wrecked anyway?

i always paint my toe nails but my fingers always get wrecked like this time here :(Why do girls always attempt to paint their nails when they just get wrecked anyway?
Well, think about other sorts of beauty treatments people do.

Why do women buy hair removal products when hair just grows back anyway?

Why do girls wear makeup if they have to keep applying it anyway?

Why do girls brush their hair if it's just going to get messy anyway?

You want to look pretty. You want to feel confident. You want to put your best foot forward.

Having a polished set of fingernails actually influences a LOT on first and outer impressions other people have of you more than you realize. Sure, they'll get wrecked anyway in a few days. But not only do these small little beautacious idiosyncracies make me feel confident, but it also shows other people that I take care of myself. As much as I would like to believe that people are only judging you on what's inside, people will always judge on outer appearances. :PWhy do girls always attempt to paint their nails when they just get wrecked anyway?
Because there you are at a great party, dancing, in a black cocktail dress and strappy sandals, your toes look great but your fingernails need to be that deep red to pull off the whole outfit.

On the other hand, you could always wear something that goes with clear nails....
Well it looks pretty and its fun.

Once it gets wrecked, girls usually just paint them again or take the polish off with nail polish remover.

I understand what you mean!
I feel your pain that's why I don't paint my fingernails either. I work too much with my hands anyway!
  • living nature
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