Saturday, August 21, 2010

How do i stop my nail biting Habit?and how do i make my nails grow faster?

I'm with yah! I am trying t odo the same, and I just started yesterday

1. Maybe make a bet with your parents (if my nails grow this long give me _________.)

2. You can stick tape on your fingernails

3. Get the disgusting flavored polish (I don't reall reccommend that. You'll eat and your food will taste gross)

4. Wear gloves.

5. Paint your nails pretty and hope it won't make you bite

6. Chew gum so you focus on that.

7. Soak lemon juice on your hands so it won't taste good.

8. wear gloves so that you can't bite them.

9. Keep a toy in your pocket, and when you want to bite them, take it off.

They say it takes about 14 days to break or make habits, so it should take no less than 2 weeks, but could be more.

Biting your nails is very common and is a bad habit. I a mtrying to break mine, too. Good luckHow do i stop my nail biting Habit?and how do i make my nails grow faster?
they sell clear nail polish that has a nasty, nasty taste to it basically anywhere. you can find it at wal-mart, target, cvs, rite aid, etc. unfortunately, if you're a really bad nail biter, you learn to ignore the taste. another thing i suggest is that when you get the urge to bite, pop a piece of gum in your mouth. part of the nail biting is the satisfaction from chewing on something (gross, eh?) but that worked for me more than the nasty nail polish. once you stop biting, your nails will grow in better and faster, however the stores i mentioned above also sell nail growth treatments in the same section.How do i stop my nail biting Habit?and how do i make my nails grow faster?
It has been provent that it takes 14 days to make or break a habit.. so all you need to do is go a few weeks without biting them and you should be able to resist for good. Now the hard part, how to do that. There are many things you can try. You can get fake nails, use one of those nasty tasting polishes available at various stores, use lotion or polish remover on your nails each time you are tempted (again tastes nasty), run your fingers over a bar of soap so that soap gets under your nails (tastes nasty), and many more.

I had to do more than one to get myself to stop. I ended up puting an elastic on each wrist. Each time I thought about biting I would snap the elastic. Sometimes the temptation was a bit much, so I kept lotion is every room and in my purse/bag to use constantly. It helped make my hands soft as well as tastes disgusting. I also kept my hands busy.

Hope I have helped!
im not sure about how to make your nails to stop growing faster but what you can do to stop is put clear nail polish on even though your a guy and when u go to bute it it taste horrible

i hope i helped it wirked for me alos when u feel like biting just do something else
Well what I would do is read the facts about what is hidden under your nails %26amp; just the gross facts about biting your nails. It sure made me stop with my bad habit of something.

Plz help me w/ mine:;鈥?/a>
Revivanail is an awesome line of nail care products that strengthen your nail and help them grow. I took my fake nails off almost a year ago and I haven't had one nail break yet. I usually have to cut them every 2 weeks.
I'm not alone ...YEsss ...goodluck lol
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