Friday, November 25, 2011

What should i do? i accidentally trimmed one of my dogs nails too short?

i accidently trimmed one of her nails into the bloodline. i think i heard neosporen would help but im not sure. any advice?What should i do? i accidentally trimmed one of my dogs nails too short?
Stick the paw in a bowl of flour or corn starch. No harm no foul.

additional: you can use septic powder however it leaves terrible stains on floors, carpets, furniture.What should i do? i accidentally trimmed one of my dogs nails too short?
Yes, put antibacterial ointment on it. In the future, only cut a littel at time. My dog's vet said when you cut a bit of the nail off the skin inside will retract a bit but it takes a few days. So if they are really long only do a littel every few days until they are short enough.
Buy some styptic powder. When you cut their quick take a paper towel and hold it on the nail until the bleeding stops long enough for you to pack their nail with the powder. you may have to repeat depending on how bad they are bleeding. Cornstarch also works.
You've asked this question twice. Of course Neosporin will not stop the bleeding. You need some blood stop that you can get at your local pet store, or you can use a styptic pencil. Next time, use a Dremel.
My vet told me a mixture of flour and water, and corn starch. Mix it up to make a paste, and use it to stop the bleeding. Once the bleeding has stopped, you could use neosporin on the wound.
well i think she would lick the neosporin off. i would let it heal naturally and just keep it clean so there wont be infection
they sell quick stop at the pet shops for this. but in an emergency case. make a paste of flour, corn starch and water.
call the vet, staph or other infections can occur poisoning the animal's blood.
Next time pay attention.

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