Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is the best way to stop biting my nails?

i been biting my nails since i can remember.... i have been trying to stop for so long. I hate looking at my nails and being disgusted. I had my nails done for 2 months so i figured that would help i just took the nails off last night but i catch myself putting them in my mouth. I have used alcohol, this stop biting nail polish and some other things but i always bite through the stuff. Its bad. Can someone dish some ideals please!!What is the best way to stop biting my nails?
I had the same problem, but ive stopped (:

-keep your hands occupied at all times.

-nail polish

-wear glovesWhat is the best way to stop biting my nails?
go to the salon and have them paint ur nails in a really pretty color and decorate them with flowers and stuff like that.. it will look so pretty u will not wanna ruin it.. if that doesn't work either u can put acrilic nails and keep them till the compulsive urge to bite them wears off
My daughter use to bite her nail's alot they sale a nail polish at walgreen's or walmart to paint your nail's and when you bite them it'll taste gross it really work's it stopped my daughter from doing it..

OMG chili powder on your nail's what a bad advise !!
Chew gum all the time, and have something in your hands all the time. Try keeping in your pocket an eraser, modeling clay, silly putty, or anything that will keep your hands busy while you're not already doing something with your hands.
Put Vaseline on them, or wear gloves. Next time you're about to bite them, make yourself stop. It takes about 30 days of not doing something ot break the Habit.
chili powder or touch a chili plant so when u go to bite ur nail ull soon stop

that or get some yucky nail polish for ur local pharmacist that's suppose to work in the same kinda way
Put Arsine on them.
wet yur fingers and dip it in hot chili powder so how you gonn lick it now

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