Saturday, July 31, 2010

I keep having these dreams that my nails keep breaking off?

and I am freaked out and ashamed by them. I am also unable to get an appointment to get them fixed, either. Any interpretations?I keep having these dreams that my nails keep breaking off?
You know, I'm all for dream books and interpreting dreams and what not, but if you were ashamed of your nails, and are having your dreams BECAUSE of that, it might be your fears manifesting themselves in your dreams.

For example, I have this fear of losing all my teeth. I also grind my teeth in my sleep, so when I'm stressed out, I have teeth ache. Sometimes, my teeth hurt so bad, I'm afraid I have cavities, and all of a sudden, i have dreams that all my teeth fall out.

I believe that people dream differently. Some can dream and have it interpreted by generalized books, because they dream symbolically. Some people have premonitions in their dreams. And some, very simply, manifest their fears in their dreams. You might be taking the inability to get your nails fixed to the next step in your dreams - losing them all together. If this is the case, they may end after your finally able to get them fix or find some other solution to your nails!

Until then, try not to panic. Dreams can be scary, and make you worry more in daily life, but they're just making you face what is really on your mind...and you are doing all you can to fix what you percieve is a problem!I keep having these dreams that my nails keep breaking off? always has really accurate interpretations for me, hope that helps.
To see yourself hammering nails in your dream, signifies your tenacity and ability to drive a hard bargain. Consider also the pun, ';getting nailed'; which may mean getting caught at something or a sexual innuendo. Another popular phrase ';hitting the nail on the head'; suggests that you have fully resolved a situation.

To see nails in your dream, symbolizes long and hard work for little compensation and pay.

To dream that you hurt yourself with a nail, suggests that you need to be careful with what you say.

To dream that you fingernails break, suggests that you are trying to avoid some situation or trying to get out of a responsibility.

To dream that you are polishing your fingernails, represents glamour.

To dream that you are chewing your nails, indicates that a problem is too tough to handle. You are not sure how to go about resolving a situation in your waking life.

To dream that you fingernails are growing rapidly, refers to your desires to reach out to someone. You want to be able to extend a part of yourself to others.

To dream that a man has long red fingernails, suggests that he is very in touch with his sensitivity and emotions. It may also relate to issues of sexuality and sensuality.

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